Saturday 5 September 2009


One of my dreams is to know Italy, is a country located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, because his big story always struck me.

I would love to know the capital of Italy, Rome, the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Tower of Pisa, Venice and Florence and its cathedral.

In Italy I'd like to taste the most exquisite dishes on the best restaurant, traveling by Florencia shelves and walk the whole plaza of Saint Peter in Rome, but above all to know many many people.

My intentions in Italy are to study a master's or graduate studies at the University of Bologna in Bologna. To pay my expenses to work part time at a restaurant and a not so distant future I hope, live there.

When this living in Italy I like to know the countries neighboring, like Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Swiss, and in them to know its culture and its monuments.

Finally, I have two dreams in Europe, is to be able to go Grand Slam of tennis like Wimbledon in the United Kingdom and Roland Garros in France. Because, I like so much this sport, and see a concert outdoors.

In conclusion, Italy is the country of my dreams.


  1. I'm glad that we agree
    that Italy is the best country to visit!
    High five brother = P

  2. One of my dreams is to know Italy, is a country located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, because his big story always struck me.

    I would love to know the capital of Italy, Rome, the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Tower of Pisa, Venice and Florence and its cathedral.

    In Italy I'd like to taste the most exquisite dishes on the best restaurant, traveling by Florencia shelves and walk the whole plaza of Saint Peter in Rome, but above all to know many many people.

    My intentions in Italy are to study a master's or graduate studies at the University of Bologna in Bologna. To pay my expenses to work part time at a restaurant and a not so distant future I hope, live there.

    When this living in Italy I like to know the countries SP neighboring, like Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Swiss, and in them to know WW its culture and its monuments.

    Finally, I have two dreams in Europe, is to be able to go Grand Slam of tennis like Wimbledon in the United Kingdom and Roland Garros in France. Because, I like so much this sport, and see a concert outdoors.

    In conclusion, Italy is the country of my dreams.

    Ok Diego well done... you should speak to gabi since she also wants to go there! totally high five!
    check the corrections, you need longer conclusion.


    you got a 6
