Sunday 27 September 2009


Be Chilean is more to be born in Chile, is to believe in their traditions and idiosyncrasies.

Chile is an award-around the whole world, is always the knavery is doing everywhere, looking to make it easier or try not to pay anything.

That is why, in some countries discriminate against us.

The Chileans have a trademark that includes being talkative, “picarones”, crooks, "caretakers", kind, ambitious, revelers, wasteful, individualistic, competitive, courageous, suffered, sacrificed, loose, comfortable and irresponsible.

On the other hand, when in September we celebrate our independence from Spanish rule in 1810, with all native customs like raising our kites, playing the "trompo", with the top, to the "enzacados" Chilean races, attend the rodeo, etcetera. But above all, celebrate in the "fondas" (as the Yein Fonda xD!) that are installed around the whole country, where they dance “cueca” and very much “cumbia”, and most importantly, eat the best “empanadas”, “anticuchos” and “choripanes” in the world. We also drink sweeter drinks and delicious as the tasting of "chicha", and the earthqueake. jajaja!!!

In conclusion, in my opinion the best of these dates chilenidad is seen as a country with many problems and needs, can smile and celebrate for three days (17, 18 and 19 September) for their homeland.


Seems " Transantiago" has been a positive change for Santiago, then, in spite of the complications that it had at the outset at the beginning, fodder that has been evolving for better; because the buses happen with time with but frequency.

By all means everything is not positive, there still are some things that should be fixed, for example, the frequency of buses; the 212 that passes through the faculty should by but to be followed, although the equal one happens with certain frequency, is not the ideal. Another example like this is the frequency of the H14 that happens very distantly (it passes more or less each half an hour). But independent of all this, the balance that I do on this service is positive because step by step it has been improved, the buses in its majority happen with but frequency, the tracks for these have been improved so that they circulate with greater rapidity and thus not to wait for so much a bus.

Practically I use this kind of transportation all the time, reason why I am authorized voice for commenting and reiterate indicated above, my balance for this service is positive and practically I do not have bad things that to say.

Friday 11 September 2009

Michael Jackson - "Black or White"

I took my baby
On a Saturday bang
Boy is that girl with you
Yes we're one and the same

Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle
Has happened tonight
If you're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

They print my message
In the Saturday Sun
I had tell them
I ain't second to none

And I told about equality
And it's true
Either you're wrong
Or you're right
If you're thinkin'
About my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the
Going gets rough
I ain't scared of your brother
I ain't scared of no sheets
I ain's scared of nobody
Girl when the goin' gets mean

For gangs, clubs, and nations
Causing grief in human relations
It's a turf war
On a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale
See, it's not about races
Just places, faces
Where your blood comes from
Is where your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend
My life being a color

Don't tell me you agree with me
When I saw you
Kickin' dirt in my eye
You're thinkin'about my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

I said
If you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're
Black or white
I said
If you're thinkin' of being my brother
It don't matter if you're
Black or white

Ooh, ooh
Yeah, yea, yea now
Ooh, ooh
Yea, yea, yea now

It's black, it's white
It's tough for them
To get by
It's black, it's white, whoo

Saturday 5 September 2009


One of my dreams is to know Italy, is a country located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, because his big story always struck me.

I would love to know the capital of Italy, Rome, the Vatican, the Colosseum, the Tower of Pisa, Venice and Florence and its cathedral.

In Italy I'd like to taste the most exquisite dishes on the best restaurant, traveling by Florencia shelves and walk the whole plaza of Saint Peter in Rome, but above all to know many many people.

My intentions in Italy are to study a master's or graduate studies at the University of Bologna in Bologna. To pay my expenses to work part time at a restaurant and a not so distant future I hope, live there.

When this living in Italy I like to know the countries neighboring, like Spain, France, Portugal, Germany, Swiss, and in them to know its culture and its monuments.

Finally, I have two dreams in Europe, is to be able to go Grand Slam of tennis like Wimbledon in the United Kingdom and Roland Garros in France. Because, I like so much this sport, and see a concert outdoors.

In conclusion, Italy is the country of my dreams.