Wednesday 26 August 2009

My third semester!

Well, past semester has been very productive because I have got many achievements.

Firstly, I was elected as CEV member and my performance has been efficient, such as the theater play exhibited during the party after the winter vacation was organized by me, and it was a success.

In the academic area, all my subjects were passed successfully, including anatomy. Its not easy, but I did.

At present, I am doing veterinarian practice in “Mundo Granja”. My job has been to assist in the treatment of the sheep. To vaccinate and check them periodically.

Finally I decided to be a part of theater group. This is great. It is not only a hobby; it’s a part of my life. I am really enjoyed it. A good friend of mine, Loreto, is participating too of this group.

I am studying a lot, because the subjects of this semester are very complicated. I need to study hardly. In fact, now I am preparing two tests for this week.

Regarding the sports, I practice Volleyball since the last year. My team is not bad. We have got good results, but we need improving our strategy and physical condition.

Finally, I have a girlfriend, she is sweet, cute, funny, intelligent, adorable and we are enjoying our together time.

She is also studying veterinarian medicine at Universidad de Chile.

In conclusion, this semester has been productive in many areas and the most important I like too much this career and I hope to be a veterinarian doctor soon.